
(Marcin) #1




Rosemarie Rizzo Parse

PART ONE: Rosemarie Rizzo

Parse’s Human Becoming

School of Thought

Rosemarie Rizzo Parse

Introducing the Theorist

Introducing the Theory:The Human
Becoming School of Thought


Introducing the Theorist

Rosemarie Rizzo Parse is professor and Niehoff
chair at Loyola University in Chicago. She is
founder and editor ofNursing Science Quarterly;
president of Discovery International, Inc., which
sponsors international nursing theory conferences;
and founder of the Institute of Human Becoming,
where she teaches the ontological, epistemological,
and methodological aspects of the human becom-
ing school of thought. Her most recent work is
Community: A Human Becoming Perspective

(2003a). Previous works include Nursing
Fundamentals (1974); Man-Living-Health: A
Theory of Nursing (1981); Nursing Research:
Qualitative Methods(1985);Nursing Science: Major
Paradigms, Theories, and Critiques (1987);
Illuminations: The Human Becoming Theory in
Practice and Research(1995);The Human Becoming
School of Thought(1998);Hope: An International
Human Becoming Perspective (1999); and
Qualitative Inquiry: The Path of Sciencing(2001b).
Her theory is a guide for practice in health-care set-
tings in the United States, Canada, Finland,
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