
(Marcin) #1
people as they speak about their personal realities,
explore life options, ponder the possible outcomes
of various choices, and select ways to move on amid
life’s unfolding consequences. The nurse guided by
the human becoming perspective lives a commit-
ment to honor persons as they disclose their reali-
ties in the presence of another who will not judge
or try to control their processes of illuminating
meaning, synchronizing rhythms, and mobilizing
transcendence. The human becoming theory spec-
ifies relationships among particular values and be-
liefs about the human-universe process, quality of

The human becoming theory specifies
relationships among particular values and
beliefs about the human-universe process,
quality of life, and nursing.

life, and nursing. The nurse who embraces these
particular values and beliefs expresses them with
others who recognize the presence of human be-
coming nursing.
As Rosemarie Rizzo Parse (1998) has shown ear-
lier in the chapter, the Theory of Human Becoming
has given rise to a school of thought. The theory’s
assumptions and principles comprise the school of
thought’s ontology, which describes the person as
freely choosing meaning in situation, coexisting
and interrelating multidimensionally with the uni-
verse, and continuously cotranscending with the
possibles in uniquely personal ways. Freely choos-
ing meaning is cocreating reality through one’s
imaginings and self-expressions while living cher-
ished values. Coexisting and interrelating with oth-
ers generates rhythmical patterns and paradoxes
that disclose the ups and downs of living. One con-
tinuously transcends with the possibles through
shifting perspectives of unfolding events and com-
mitting to one course of action over another while
never fully knowing the outcomes.
The human becoming practice methodology
flows from these beliefs and delineates a way of au-
thentically living these beliefs. The essence of the
methodology is structured in the written dimen-
sions and processes published by Parse in 1987; but
less formal guidance was offered in the 1981 text in-
troducing the human becoming theory, then called
“man-living-health.” The dimensions and processes
are stated in the table on p. 192.
Since Parse’s theory was first published, an in-
creasing number of nurses have cited it as having

194 SECTION III Nursing Theory in Nursing Practice, Education, Research, and Administration

Human Becoming in practice also will con-
tinue to be synthesized and conclusions will
be drawn. These syntheses will guide deci-
sions for continually creating the vision for
sciencing and living the art of the Human
Becoming School of Thought for the better-
ment of humankind.


Applications of

Parse’s Human


School of


Gail J. Mitchell, Sandra Schmidt

Bunkers, & Debra Bournes




This section of the chapter describes the applica-
tion of Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming in
practice, research, administration, education, and


The human becoming practice methodology
(Parse, 1987) helps nurses know how to be with

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