101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

48. Praise to the One Who Strengthens Us


May our Lord Jesus Christ... encourage your hearts and strengthen
you in every good deed and word.
2 Thessalonians 2:16–17


HENJesus first found several of his disciples they were
working by the Sea of Galilee. After hard days of fishing,
they probably smelled of perspiration and fish scales. Upon return-
ing to shore, they likely had tackled the job of cleaning fish first,
then occupied themselves with mending their nets.
When reading a commentary on 2 Thessalonians I was fascinated
to find that the phrase “restoring and strengthening” had the same
meaning as “the mending of nets.” I loved that.
I know I need God’s restoration when I’ve been out in the thick of
his work. Don’t you? I need him to mend my nets when they are torn
by fatigue, low self-esteem, or envy. I need him to strengthen me and
shore me up, to restore me and give me renewed faith and confi-

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