101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

54. Nothing Is Too Difficult


Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your
great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.
Jeremiah 32:17


AN’Tyou just picture God stretching out his arm one morning
the way we might stretch when we first wake up? Can’t you
picture him flinging out a universe like we might fling out a handful
of sunflower seeds? Suddenly billions of stars and suns and planets
and moons are brought into being. How can we fathom such power?
But God has created more than suns and planets and solar sys-
tems. He has created us—human beings, the gem of his creation,
who, like him, possess the ability to think and feel and reason and
love. And he has called us into a love relationship with him. He has
invited us to pray to him and has promised to hear us. He wants to
I remember waiting for a departing flight in the airport of Teguci-
galpa, Honduras, after a mission trip several years ago. It was a hot,
noisy, crowded place and I was surrounded by colorfully clad Hon-

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