101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

continually molding us—drawing us into new paths of healing, giv-
ing us the life and the power we need to reflect his light.
As Andrew Murray said, “It is not the remembrance of what Jesus
has once done to me, but the living experience of what he is nowto
me, that will give me the power to act like Him. His love must be a
present reality, the inflowing of a life and power in which I can love
like Him.”^1
I believe the present reality about which Andrew Murray spoke is
the daily way in which Jesus empowers us to live for him. It is the
way he enables us to follow the blueprint of his life, to practice the
union and the friendship into which he has called us.
I am grateful to the Lord that he never expects me to live on yes-
terday’s manna. He always gives me a fresh supply. I love the mira-
cles, big and small, he has done in the past, but I also love to tell
about the fresh miracles he has delivered and the prayers he has an-
There’s the way he helped me find the car keys just this morning.
Wasn’t that his grace? Or the extra money in the checking account
to send to a missionary couple—wasn’t that his mercy? I think also
of the way God is growing our children and our grandchildren up in
the faith.
May I never take any of these daily mercies for granted. They are
the manna and the miracles that fuel my faith.

Oh, Lord, thank you for your present-tense miracles. I don’t have to
go back five years or ten. You’ve been here all along, giving me
manna and showing me mercy. I love you, Lord. Amen.


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