101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

Suddenly a line of prayer comes into my spirit. It’s a petition for
all circumstances and situations, one for all seasons and all rea-
sons—a prayer I have prayed many times before:
“Father, I pray that you will dip your great and merciful hand into
your unlimited, boundless well of resources and provide Spike with
whatever he needs. I don’t even know the situation, but you know
it. I don’t even know the condition of his heart, but you know it. I
don’t even know whom he is talking to, but you know. I know, Lord,
that your Holy Spirit is the key that turns the lock on the door of
these things. So through your Spirit, now supply my husband’s
needs. I trust you to do these things.”
In only a matter of minutes Spike is back inside the house.
Silently we construct our sandwiches and make our lemonade.
What had it been? A dire emergency? No. He had merely been ir-
ritated by a grouchy old man who owns property near ours—a man
who always tempts Spike to react in a flash of temper.
I don’t know if Spike learned anything from the situation at all.
But I learned another lesson in trusting the Lord to be in control. In-
stead of fretting and worrying and allowing myself to get caught up
in something that was Spike’s concern, not mine, I had turned my
feeling of worry over to the Holy Spirit who is always able to deliver
the needed amount of mercy from his abundant supply of grace. I
had interceded for my husband instead of focusing on myself.

Lord, thank you that you have called us to intercede for those we
love. Thank you for teaching us that your Holy Spirit is always the
spigot we turn to draw on your mercy. How good you are! Amen.


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