101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

So many prayers were going up from the families, friends, neigh-
bors, and fellow countrymen of these workers. People who had
rarely prayed seriously in the past became fervent petitioners. I be-
lieve without a doubt that the Lord was in that pit answering those
prayers, giving those workers the energy to keep going as they
worked blindly, tirelessly, in memory of the ones who had lost their
Day after day, crowds of people lined the streets cheering their ef-
forts as they arrived for work. It was like that for months. This ap-
plause said to them, “Your country is with you and your God is with
That particular news special reminded me of a true story our pas-
tor, John Barr, related years ago. He told us about one of his theol-
ogy professors whose son had been killed. The week after the funeral
no one expected the professor to show up for his class, but he did.
John said that he walked slowly to the front of the class and
looked out over the seminarians gathered there. The words he spoke
were simple but moving. “I have been to the bottom,” he said, “and
it holds.”
This is a message that we need now as individuals and as a nation.
God has not abandoned our country and he will not abandon his
people. Even at the bottom, he is there. He sees our grief and he
hears our prayers. He will lift us out of the pit of our trouble and set
our feet on the rock of Jesus Christ.

Father God, thank you that when our lives are at the bottom, we dis-
cover your love is already there to meet us. Send your Spirit across
this land, Lord, and bring revival. Amen.


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