101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

13. A Woman of Beauty


I will be glad and rejoice in you;
I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.
Psalm 9:2


WISHyou could see my friend Jessie praise the Lord. I wish you
could watch the glow on her face as she tilts her head back as
though she is gazing into heaven itself. If her unself-conscious praise
blesses me this much, how it must bless the Lord!
How can I describe Jessie as unself-conscious? How do I know
that she is not conscious of herself? Because Jessie is blind. She can-
not see you seeing her. And besides that, she doesn’t care. Long ago
Jessie chose to cast her gaze on the Lord rather than worry about the
opinions of other people.
What kind of life does Jessie lead? She is a widow. She lives alone.
She has learned to count the number of steps from room to room
and to gauge the distances between the contents of her house. But
Jessie does not merely subsist in a limited existence. She is rich in all
of the important ways.
She’s a woman of prayer with a heart full of joy. She sings in the

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