101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

On other days it’s as though something has dammed the flow of
my prayer and formed stagnant pools inside of me. Selfishness or
envy or some other sin has caused my prayer to double back on it-
self rather than flow on toward its heavenly destination.
At times like that I’m convinced that God’s face must surely be
turned away from me and my prayers have become like David’s in
Psalm 102. They have echoed down the well of my despair: “Is any-
body there? Does anybody hear me? SOS, God! Answer me!”
Whenever we feel that God has turned away from us, it’s good to
know that he hasn’t. Whenever we are reaching out to God we will find
him reaching out to us. He’s always waiting to hear our prayers—to
bring about the restoration we long for, the reconciliation we require.
Jeremiah 33:3 reminds us that when we call to God he will an-
swer us. He will tell us “great and unsearchable things” that we do
not know. I want to know those deep things that God has reserved
for me. I want to hear those beautiful secrets that he is waiting to
whisper in my spirit. Don’t you?
God has a covenant to keep with each of us. If you are reading
these words I know that God is not through with you. He has not
turned his back on you. How do I know that? If you are still alive,
he is still working in your life. Let him kick down that dam and get
the streams of prayer flowing in your heart again!

Dear Father, thank you that we don’t have to drown in our sinful-
ness. Thank you for your Word that promises a life of new begin-
nings in Christ. Keep the streams of my prayer ever flowing toward
the ocean of your mercy and the grasp of my faith ever reaching to-
ward the hand of your grace. Amen.


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