101 Most Powerful Prayers in the Bible

(avery) #1

temptation born of pride to hide our thirst—to bring God only our
abilities, our solutions, our strengths, our works. We may find our-
selves wanting to disguise our neediness under the camouflage of
our “Sunday best” by polishing our spiritual shoes and coming into
his presence as though we, in our humanity, actually had something
to offer him who is divine.
The truth is, all we ever have to bring to him is our emptiness, our
lack, our nothingness apart from his all. All we ever have to bring is
our total need for him in our lives.
David never resisted that deep and troubling truth. He under-
stood that there was a hole in his heart that only God could fill. And
he rushed toward the Source of his healing. Because David had many
sins, he never lost touch with his thirst for God’s mercy.
If you’re not in the desert today, simply thank the Lord for his
goodness to you and then intercede for someone who is. But if you
are in that arid landscape, don’t try to camouflage your need. Learn
the lesson of the thirsty heart. Cry out to the Lord as David did and
know that your prayer will be heard.

Father God, I thank you for the seasons of my journey—for the
times of sorrow and the days of joy. Thank you that you are with me
through it all, drawing me ever more deeply into your reality, meet-
ing my needs, and using every conflict to teach me new things. Fa-
ther, increase my thirst for you. May I never be content with where
I am, but may I ever desire to know you more. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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