form of carbon. This simplifies the spectrum but more importantly this will ensure that
the search algorithm will not be not confused and attempt to find two or more distinct
peptides that each differ by 1 Da. This is particularly valuable when analysing peptide
mixtures since overlapping isotope clusters are thus identified correctly and only the
genuine^12 C peaks are reported.
If the resolution of the mass spectrum is not sufficient to resolve individual isotope
peaks then the average mass is often reported. This is still the case with larger
polypeptides and proteins (see Fig. 9.14) but in modern instruments, the all^12 C, one
(^13) C, two (^13) C (etc.) peptide forms can be resolved (see Fig. 9.13).
Various software (including commercial software packages such as SEQUEST) is
available to use the information on the fragment ions obtained from a tandem MS
experiment to search protein (and DNA translation) databases to identify the sequence
and the protein from which it is derived. Once the protein has been identified one can
view the full protein summary and link to protein structure, Swiss 2D PAGE, nucleic
acid databases, etc.
9.8 Suggestions for further reading
Aebersold, R. and Mann, M. (2003). Mass spectrometry-based proteomics.Nature, 422 , 198–207.
(There are also a number of other, very informative proteomics reviews in this issue between
pages 193 and 225.)
Breitling, R., Pitt, A.R. and Barrett M.P. (2006). Precision mapping of the metabolome.Trends in
Biotechnology, 24 , 543–548. (Review of the study of metabolic networks in complex mixtures
using the high resolving power of FT-ICR and Orbitrap MS to discriminate between metabolites
of near identical mass that differ perhaps by only 0.004 Da.)
Glish, G.L. and Burinsky, D.J. (2008). Hybrid mass spectrometers for tandem mass spectrometry.
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 19 , 161–172. (Review of the
development of hybrid mass spectrometers and a comparison of the particular applications
of each type.)
Hah, S. S. (2009). Recent advances in biomedical applications of accelerator mass spectrometry.
Journal of Biomedical Science, 16 , 54. (This is an Open Access article which reviews all aspects
of this subject.)
Han, X., Aslanian, A. and Yates, J.R. 3rd (2008). Mass spectrometry for proteomics.Current
Opinion in Chemical Biology, 12 , 1–8. (An excellent introductory review of the new instruments
with a comparative table of their performance characteristics, such as mass resolution, mass
accuracy, sensitivity,m/zrange and main applications. Also covers quantitative proteomics and
description of the latest jargon such as shotgun and top–down proteomics.)
Nita-Lazar, A., Saito-Benz, H. and White, F. M. (2008). Quantitative phosphoproteomics by mass
spectrometry: past, present, and future.Proteomics, 8 , 4433–4443. (This reviews methods for
identification of this important and widespread post-translational modification. This volume,
no. 8 issue 21, 4367–4612 is a Special Issue on signal transduction proteomics which includes
other informative articles on this subject.)
The ExPASy (Expert Protein Analysis System) server of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB)
contains a large suite of programs for the analysis of protein sequences, structures and
proteomics as well as 2D PAGE analysis (2D gel documentation and 2D gel image analysis
programmes). The ExPASy suite of programmes is at
Glyocomod and GlycanMass are found at and respectively.
397 9.8 Suggestions for further reading