Binding of insulin to its binding site (one on each of theachains) causes a
conformational change that activates the kinase activity. In the case of EGFRs, agonist
binding causes either a conformational change that allows the occupied receptors to
recognise each other resulting in their association to form homo- or heterodimers
or stabilises a pre-existing equilibrium between monomers and dimers and induces
conformational changes within the dimer. At this stage the kinase action of
the receptor is inactive, but the dimerisation is rapidly followed by the mutual
cross-autophosphorylation of one to three Tyr residues in the tyrosine kinase domains
Example 3 (cont.)
Drug Target Mechanism
(Iressa) – a small
Binds to the ATP binding site
of the tyrosine kinase
domain of epidermal growth
factor receptor (EGFR) in
non-small-cell lung cancer
Inhibits the activation of the
Ras signal transduction
cascade thereby inhibiting
tumour growth
(Herceptin) – an
HER2 receptor, a member of
the EGFR family
Blocks HER2 receptor
preventing it from forming
dimers with similar receptors
that cause a signal to the
nucleus to stimulate the
tumour to grow and divide
(Bexxar) – an
carrying^131 I
CD20 receptor onb-cells Binds to receptor and the
radioactive iodine isotope
that it carries kills cancerous
lymphoma cells
(MabThera) – a
CD20 receptor onb-cells Triggers the immune system
to destroy healthy and
lymphoma cells
(Nolvadex) – a
small molecule
Oestrogen receptor Decreases DNA synthesis and
inhibits oestrogen effects that
cause the tumour to grow
(Nexavar) – a
small prodrug
Vascular endothelial growth
factor receptor (VEGFR) and
platlet-derived growth factor
receptor (PDGFR) on cells
lining blood vessels
Inhibits protein kinase
activity of receptors. Also
binds to c-kit receptors on
cancer cell involved in cancer
Like the treatment for HIV/AIDS (Section 18.2.2) cancer therapy most commonly
involves the use of a cocktail of drugs acting by different mechanisms.
700 Cell membrane receptors and cell signalling