Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

(lu) #1

94 Vectors and geometry in three dimensions

This point P lies on ir if and only if D = 0, where

(2) D =




x1 + X(xs - x1) Y1 + X(ys - yl)
X3 Y3
x4 Y4

(4) D, =

x1 y1 z, I
X3 y3 53 1
X4 Y4 Z4 1
X6 Y6 Z6 1


D = D1 + XD2,

D2 =

z,+X(zs-z,) 1+0
53 1
54 1
Z6 1

X2 - X1 Y2 - Y, Z2 - z1 0
X3 y3 53 1


Now D, 3 0 because P,, P3, P4, P6 do not lie in the same plane. In case
Ds = 0, there will be no X for which D = 0 and hence no point P on L which lies
in -r, so L and it must be parallel. In case Ds 5 0, there will be exactly one X for
which D = 0, that is, X = -D,/D3. Putting this in (1) then gives the coordi-
nates of the point of intersection of L and jr.
12 Find out whether the plane containing two vertices of a tetrahedron and
the mid-point of the opposite edge must contain the centroid of the tetrahedron.
13 This story can be read by anyone. It interests nearly everyone, but stu-
dents who do not have a lot of time at their disposal can postpone the pleasures
and benefits enjoyed by those who fully understand it. Matrices are often
denoted by single letters. For examples, w e ca n set

1 7 4 9
(1) P-
, Q-

1 1 1, R= -7 -^69
1 -1 1/ \0 1



2 3



6 -2




) U =




-4 3 -2 3 \-1 \-4/

We shall, among other things, develop enough algebra of matrices to enable us
to understand and verify the fact that these matrices satisfy the conditions


(2) QT = U, PU=Y, P(QT)=Y, (PQ)T=V

det (PQ) = det (QP) = (det P) (det Q).

If I is a square matrix, we can denote its determinant by det -4. Two matrices
A and B are said to be equal, and we write .4= B, if they (i) have the same num-
ber of rows, (ii) have the same number of columns, and (iii) have equal elements
in corresponding positions. We can multiply matrices by scalars (numbers),
and we can add two matrices which have thesame number of rows and the same
number of columns. For example, when P and Q are the matrices displayed
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