Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

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98 Vectors and geometry in three dimensions

involving the angle 0 and the unit normal (thumb vector) n of Figure
2.612. We now work out a convenient formula which gives u X v in

Figure 2.612

terms of the scalar components of u and v. Remembering that the
vector product of two vectors depends upon the order of the factors, we
shall be very careful. We have

u X v = (uii + u2j + u3k) X (vii + v2j + flak)
= uli x (v11 + 021 + 03k)
uj x (vii + vzj + vak)
u3k x(vii + vzj + v3k)
u X V= uivli X i + ulv2i X j+ ulvai x k
142011 X i + 142V,j X j+ u2vij x k
-I- uavlk x i + uav2k x j + u3v3k x k.

With the aid of the helpful fact about the vector product of two con-
secutive vectors in the parade ijkijk, given in (2.234), we obtain the
unlovely formula

(2.613) u X v = i(u03 - u3V2) - j(u103 - ua01) + k(u1v2 - 14201)

This looks better when we put it in the form

142 ua
02 va

-i^141 ua
V1 0a

+ k

141 142
01 02

Our next step is to allow ourselves the liberty of putting vectors into the
first row of a determinant so we may put this in the form

(2.62) U X V =

i j k

(^141) U2 ua
V1^02 0a
which is very easily remembered. It is the fashion to remember (2.62)
and to expand the determinant in terms of elements of the first row when-
ever this is desirable. When we must find the vector product of two
vectors u and v defined by
u=i-2j+3k, v=21-j-k,
all persons except typists and printers are happy to solve the problem

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