Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

(lu) #1

100 Vectors and geometry in three dimensions

hasty reading and preliminary ideas will be satisfactory preparation for
future encounters with the material.
Here we begin to explore some of the reasons why the system (2.63)

of equations is important. Suppose we have, as in Figure 2.64, two


Figure 2.64

right-handed rectangular coordinate systems in E3. The x, y, z coordi-
nate system having origin at 0 and bearing an orthonormal set i, j, k
of vectors is shown on the left. The x', y', z' coordinate system having
origin at 0' and bearing an orthonormal set i', j', k' of vectors is shown on
the right. Our first task is to study the important systems of equations


1' = aj i + a1gj + a13k,
j' = a2li -1- a22j + a23k,
k' = a31i + a32j + a33k,

aiii' + a2ij' + a31k'
j = a12i' + a22J' + a32k'
k = a13i' + a23j' + a33k'

that relate the vectors in the two orthonormal sets. We observe a fact
that can be considered to be remarkable even when we know the reason
for it: the coefficients in the system of equations obtained by solving
the first system for i, j, k are easily written down by interchanging the
rows and columns in the first system. The reason is simple. The
orthonormality of the vectors implies that, in each system, all is
a12 is an is a21 is and so on until, finally, a33 is k'-k. The
numerical coefficients in each row (and hence also in each column) in
the right member of each system are the scalar components of a unit
vector. The nine coefficients are cosines of direction angles, but we
carefully avoid attempts to work out formulas by means of figures
showing the nine angles.
As soon as we look at the point P of Figure 2.64, we realize that P has
two sets of coordinates, there being a set x, y, z for the unprimed or old
coordinate system and another set x', y', z' for the primed or new coordi-
nate system. If we know enough about the relative positions of the
two coordinate systems, we should be able to find one set of coordinates
when we know the other set. We shall solve this problem with the aid
of vectors. To specify the relation between the two coordinate systems,
we suppose that, with reference to the unprimed coordinate system, the
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