Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

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118 Functions, limits, derivatives

(o)Ax + Ox)-AX) g(x +


  • g(x) = 2x + Ax
    6x Ax


4(x + Ax) - ¢(x) -2x- Ax

AX [1 + x^2 ][1 + (x + AX)^2 ]

2 The signum function having values sgn x (read signum x, almost like sine x)


is defined by the formula

sgn x = 1 (x > 0)
sgn x =^0 (x = 0)
sgn x = -1 (x < 0).

x Show that Figure 3.191 displays the graph of sgn x and
then draw the graph of sgn (x - 2). Show that IxI = x

  • -1 sgn x. Hint: Consider separately the cases in which

Figure 3.191 x>0,x = 0, andx <0.

3 The Heaviside (1850-1925) unit function having
ly values defined by

Figure 3.192

H(x) = 1 (x > 0)
H(x) ffl (x = 0)
H(x) = 0 (x < 0)

is named for the mighty electrical engineer who popu-
x larized its use. Show that Figure 3.192 displays the
graph of H(x) and then draw the graph of H(x - 2).
Show that

H(x) =1 -+ -2gn x, sgn x = 2H(x) - 1.
4 We need more evidence that not all functions
have simple graphs that are easily drawn. Let D be
the dizzy dancer function, defined over the interval
x 0 <= x 5 1, for which

Figure 3.193 D(x) = 0 (x irrational)
D(x) = 1 (x rational).

Think about this matter and acquire the ability to make a figure more or less
like Figure 3.193 to "represent" the graph of D.
5 A function g is defined by the formulas

g(x) = x2 (0 <_ x 5 1)
g(x) = x (otherwise).
Plot its graph.
6 A function f is said to be an even function if f(-x) = f(x) whenever x
belongs to the domain off and is said to be an odd function if f(-x) _ -f(x)
whenever x belongs to the domain of f. Prove that the polynomial having values
2 - 3x2 + 5x' (with only even exponents appearing) is even. Prove that the
polynomial having values x - 7x5 + 2x7 (with only odd exponents appearing)
is odd. Prove that the polynomial having values I - 2x + 3x2 is neither even
nor odd.
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