Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

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3.2 Limits 127

such that

(3.272) lim (1 + x) If- = e.
Anybody can collect a little evidence in support of this assertion by mak-
ing calculations when x has such values as ±J, ±j-, ± 4, and ±-L, but
it is not so easy to prove the assertion. In fact we must have very sub-
stantial information about limits before we can, in Chapter 9, define
functions having values ex and, when x > 0, log x. Meanwhile, many of
the problems that confront us will be solved very quickly and easily with
the aid of the following fundamental theorems. We call them limit
theorems, but they are nothing but basic theorems in the theory of
Theorem 3.281 If

lim f(x) = L1, limf(x) = L2,

then L2 = L1.
Theorem 3.282 If b is a constant, then

Theorem 3.283

lim b = b.

lim x = a.
Theorem 3.284 If c is a constant, then

lim cf(x) = c lim f (x)
x-ia z-sa

provided the limit on the right exists.
Theorem 3.285 The formulas
lim [f(x) + g(x)] = lim f(x) + lim g(x)
x- a x-+a
lim [f(x)g(x)] = [lim f(x)][lim g(x)]

2a x-+a

f(x) - _

llima f(x)
,ag(x) lim g(x)z-4a

are valid provided the limits on the right exist and, in the case of the last
formula, lim g(x) 0.
x- a

Theorem 3.286 If

lim f (x) = L
z a
limlf(x) - LI = 0

and conversely.
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