Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

(lu) #1

154 Functions, limits, derivatives

the manner in which it is applied can be (or should be) remembered with
the aid of the famous "four-step rule." We may not always get 4 when
we count the steps, but the rule is the four-step rule anyway.

Four-step rule 3.55
Definition A4pplication
Y = f (X) Y = x2
Y+Dy =f(x+Ox) y+Ay = (x+11x)2 = x2+2xAx+Ax2
Ay = Ax + Ax) - AX) Ay = 2x six + zx2
Ay=Ax + Ox) - AX)
'&y = 2x + Ox
Ox Ox 9x
dxI o Ax

dx =


The steps are as follows: select (or "fix") an x in the domain of f, write
y = f(x), introduce Ox, write y + Ay = f(x + Ax), subtract to get Ay,
divide by Ax to get Ay/Ax, and, finally, find the limit as Ax --+ 0 to obtain
dy/dx. Whether we consciously use the four-step rule or not, we all
need experience in the art of calculating derivatives by finding limits of
difference quotients, and problems at the end of this section provide
some of it. Meanwhile, we gain experience by proving the following
formulas which can be and must be remembered.
Theorem 3.56 If u and v are differentiable functions of x and if c
and n are constants, then







d(u +v)

d _ du

dx cu - c dx

d xrtnx"_I

d u" = nun-Idu
dx dx

dxuv - udxvdx
du dv
d_uadx- udxTX-Vu
x v v2

provided that v s 0 in (3.566) and that in (3.563) and (3.564) we have
x 0 0 and is s 0 when n is a negative integer and (except in some special
cases) x > 0 and u > 0 when n is not an integer.
The first three of these formulas enable us to obtain results like

Z(x4-3x'+5x2-7x+6) =4x$ -9x2+1Ox- 7

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