Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

(lu) #1

184 Functions, limits, derivatives

13 While the matter must remain mysterious until some mathematical
secrets have been revealed, the tip P of a cog of a particular hypocyclic gear
moves in such a way that its displacement vector at time t is
r = a(cos3 wti + sin3 wtj),
where a and w are positive constants. Find and simplify formulas for its velocity,
speed, and acceleration. Ans.:

v =

sin 2wt(-cos wti + sin wtj)

Speed =32w sin 2wtI
a = 2 sin 2wt(sin cod + cos wtj) + 3aw2 cos 2wt(-cos cod + sin wtj).

14 A particle P moves in such a way that its displacement vector at time t is

_ 2t t2-1,

Show that Iri = 1 at all times and hence that the path of P must lie on the unit
circle with center at the origin. If a particle moves on a circle in such a way that
it has a nonzero velocity vector v, then v must be tangent to the circle and hence
orthogonal (or perpendicular) to r. Check this story by calculating v and show-
ing that yr = 0. Find the times at which the particle crosses the coordinate
axes, and then obtain more information about the motion of P.
15 Prove that if a particle P moves in E3 in such a way that it has displace-
ment vectors and velocity vectors r(t) and v(t) at time t, then


dt jr(t)lt)

when the particle is not at the origin. Tell why this implies that if the path of P
lies on a sphere with center at the origin, then v must be normal (or orthogonal
or perpendicular) to r and hence v must be tangent to the sphere. Remark:
It can be presumed that we do not known much about curves and surfaces in
Es, but we can presume that if a particle P makes a decent trip along a decent
curve lying on a decent surface, then at each time the velocity vector having
its tail at P must be tangent to the surface as well as to the curve.
16 If a particle moves along the x axis in such a way that, at time t,
x = a sin (cot + 0)
where a, co, 0 are constants for which a > 0 and co > 0, the particle is said to
describe (or execute) sinusoidal (or harmonic) motion. Calculate the first and
second derivatives of x with respect to t and show that

dt2 = - w2x.

Remark: This shows that the scalar acceleration of the particle is proportional to
the scalar displacement of the particle from the origin (or equilibrium position)
about which it oscillates.
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