Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

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This gives the first and hence the second of the formulas
e kxy = f1, y = Aekx.


More complete treatments of these matters are given in textbooks on differential
11 After having digested the preceding problem (which required that some
ideas and methods be absorbed), find the solutions of the following differential
equations that satisfy the given boundary conditions

(a) dz=y,y=1when x=0 fins.:y=ex

(b) dx=2y,y=3when x=4

(c) dx=y,y=Owhenx=0

12 Fill in the right members of the three formulas

d-x dx

ate - dt


x =?

,Ins.: y= 3e2cx-9)

Ans.: y = 0

(a) dt2 = g fins.: g, gt + ci, -ITgtl + cit + c2

(b) x = gt2 + cit + c2 Ans.: Same as (a)

(c) d x = sin t fins.: cos t, sin t, -cost + c

(d) dt = cos 2t 4ns.: -2 sin 2t, cos 2t, "W sin 2t + c

(e)dx= e2t e4ns.: 2e2t, e2d, ,-e2t + c

13 A particle P moves in the xy plane in such a way that its acceleration a
(a vector) is always -gj. Thus

Show that its velocity and displacement vectors must be

r = (cit + cz)i + (-gt2 + kit + k2)j,

where the c's and k's are constant. Find the equation of the path in rectangular
coordinates when ci 0 0 and again when ci = 0. Hint: To solve the last part,
put r = xi + yj so that

x = Cit + c2, y =-.lgt2 + kit + k2
and eliminate t.
14 This problem requires us to think about indefinite integrals and gives our
first glimpse of the famous and important formula for integration by parts.
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