264 Integral$
unit vector in its direction. Our next step is to write PPk in terms of the coordi.
nates of P and P, and to write
(4) [1Fk = Gm E S (tk)
tk - x)i - yj - xk
[(lk - x)2 + Y2 + zJ
Everything is now prepared for the crucial steps. When the norm JQJ of the
partition Q is small, the sums in (4) should be good approximations for the force
F that we are trying to define. In other words, F should be the limit of these
sums. But these sums are Riemann sums and, provided P(x,y,z) is not a point
on the interval a --<- x S b of the x axis, they have a limit which is the Riemann
integral in the formula
(5) F = Gmrb (t - x)i - yj - zk
Ja a(t) ((t- x)2 + Y2 + z2]3
Our work motivates the definition whereby F is defined by (5). While (5) serves
as a source of information about F in other cases, we confine our attention here
to the case in which the density is a constant, say &(t) = bo for each t, and, more-
over, y = z = 0 and x < a < b. In this case, F has the direction of i, and if
we denote its magnitude by Fi(a,b,x), then
It is easy to see that
Fi(a,b,x) = Gmbo
a (t - x)-2 dt
- 1
= Gmbo
a-x b-x
(7) lim Fi(a,b,x) =Gmbo lim Fi(a,b,x) = eo.
b--.m a - x x-.a-
If these formulas agree with our intuitive notions, then at least some of our
intuitive notions are good. The second result in (7) gives us a lesson in approxi-
mation. Since particles near ends of actual steel rods are not subject to huge
attractive forces, we must conclude that very bad approximations to forces on
these particles are obtained from calculations based on assumptions that the
rods are concentrated on their axes.
(^11) Modify Figure 4.792 to fit the case in which h > 0, a = -h, b = h,
b(x) = bo, x = 0, and z = 0. Show that, in this case, formula (5) of the pre-
ceding problem becomes
F =Gmbo f
h Yj
-h (t' {- y2),,dt.
After having a good look at the coefficients of i and j, show that
F = -2GmboyjJo (t2+
12 A thin cylindrical shell S of radius R has its axis on the x axis of an x, y,
z coordinate system and has its ends in the planes having the equations x = a
and x = b. This shell has constant areal density (mass per unit area) S. Find
the gravitational force F which it exerts upon a particle m* ofmass in which is