Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

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9.1 Exponentials and logarithms 489

17 Persons who start fires with matchescan be interested in the fact that
fires can be started by rubbing sticks together. We shallsoon learn modern
ways of calculating approximations to exponentials and logarithms, butwe can
be interested in seeing that more primitive methods will work. Supposing that
a and x are positive numbers given in decimal form, and that 0 <x < 1, we
outline an old, old procedure for finding decimal approximationsto ax that was
used when all computations were made by hand and when letters A, B, C,
of the alphabet were used in place of xo,x,, x2,. To get started, let yo =
0, zo = 1, and observe that the inequalities

(1) yn_x5zn, ay" :- 5 : - 5

hold when n = 0. Supposing that n = 1, calculatex, and then all from the

(2) xn =yn-1 + zn_i 2 axn = `axn-1,

and let y,. and zn be two of the three numbersy,-i, x,,, zn_, chosen in such a way
that the inequalities (1) hold when n = 1. Repeating the process with n = 2
gives (2) and then (1) when n = 2, and the processcan be continued. Since
zn = yn + 1/2n, we can be sure that our estimates of ax will be good whenn is
large. To find
('/2 +


correct to 32 decimal places by this method (or by any other method) would be
quite a chore for an inexperienced person, but persons whorun modern computers
can enjoy making such computations. Primitive methods often work better
than fancier methods of limited applicability.

(^18) Persons possessing slide rules may wish to study them while reading
something that tells why they work. The C and D scales contain numbers from
1 to 10 and, when it is supposed that these scales have unit length (this unit is
usually about 10 inches), the number x lies logo x units from the left end. To
find the product X of two positive numbers A and B, we put them in the forms
A = 10-a and B = 1011b where m and n are integers and 1 < a < 10, 1 < b < 10
and use the fact that X = l0m+nx where x = ab. Noting that
(1) logo x = logo a + logo b,
we run along the D scale a distance loglo a to the number a and then, after setting
1 on the C scale opposite a, run along the C scale a distance logo b to the number b.
We have then gone the distance logos x from the left end of the D scale and hence
can read x on the D scale.
19 Persons possessing log-log slide rules may wish to see why and how the
esoteric LL scales are made. Suppose we wish to find the number y for which
y = b4 when b and q are given. We note that
loge y = q loge b
(2) logio loge y = logo loge b + logo q.

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