Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

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11.2 Increments, chain rule, and gradients 569

summation signs, we can easily extend all of these calculations to cover more
complex situations in which it is a positive integer and
Y /,mk
k=1 (x - xk)2 + (y - yk)2 + (Z - Zk)2

There are times when it is not unreasonable to start with a special situation in
which n > 3 and make quite extensive calculations to learn about directional
derivatives, gradients, and equipotential surfaces. An equipotential surface is a
surface consisting of points (x,y,z) such that, for some constant c, Y(x,y,z) = c.
7 Let the temperature it at the point (x,y) in an xy plane be defined by

u=r- sin v.

Modify the procedure of Problem 6 to obtain, by two methods, the directional
derivative of u at (xo,yo) in the direction of the unit vector
(cos a)i + (sin a)j.
Make the results agree.
8 Supposing that

show that

u = Ix + By + Cz,

Vu = .4i + Bj + Ck.
Use this result to show that the equation of the plane tangent to the graphof
the equation


at a point Po(xo,yo,zo) on the graph is

11(x-xo)+B(y-yo)+C(z-zo) =0


9 Supposing that

,4x + By + Cz = D.

x2 Lv2

"= a2+b2 `'

Vu = axi+ b',j +zk.

Use this result to show that the equation of the plane tangent tothe graph of the
(3) x,2,+1y 2+Z2a- b2 c

at the point (xo,yo,zo) on the graph is

(4) ZQ°°(x-xo)+o°(y-yo)+ -°(z-zo)=0


+`oti =1.

Remark: In case a = b = c, the graph of (3) is a sphere. Otherwise, the graph
is an ellipsoid; see Figure 6.631 and the accompanying discussion.
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