12.1 Definitions and basic theorems 595
and hence must be convergent. Try to find simple reasons why $ <s <.
If more time is available, show that s = T. Remark: Proof that s = can be
based upon the identity
1 _ (^1) 1(p+1)-(p-1)
(p - 1)P(p + 1) p(p2 - 1) - 2 p(p2 - 1)
2L(p11)p p(p+1)
(^15) With the possibility of using consequences of the facts that
+ ++ + ... _ ,
1.22.3+34+4F5+ =1,
l+x+x2+x3+ ... =^1
1 - x (lxI < U.
when these things are helpful, tell whether and why the following series are con-
vergent or divergent:
(a)+12 4+8+16+...
(b) 1+22+42+32+162+ ...
(^02) 12 22 32 42
(e) 1222 + 22:32 + 32-42 + 4252 + 52:62 +
(d) 1 + +0+ 1 +. .+
(e) i+3+W+ +$+
(3) 102 + 213 + 324 + 435 + 5 +
(h)1+33+33+:3 +33+
(^1) 1 1 1 1
log 2 log 3 log 4 log 5 log 6
(.1) 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 +
sin x sin 2x sin 3x sin 4x sin 5x
(k) 12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 +
Hint: The comparison test is important. Seek a convergent series that dominates
your series (so you will know your series is convergent) or seek a divergent series
which your series dominates (so you will know that your series cannot be con-
vergent and must be divergent).
16 Prove that
2 1 1Ukflkl < 11412 + I Iakl2
k-1 ks1 k-1