Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

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50 Vectors and geometry in three dimensions

The sum r of two vectors u and v is,*s-in-Figttre-2-4-3, the vector which
runs from the tail of u to the head of v when the tail of v isplaced at the

Figure 2.13

Figure 2.131

head of u. The figure shows that
v + u = u + v. Because the sum
of two vectors is, as in Figure 2.13,
the diagonal of a parallelogram, the
rule (or law) for addition of vectors
is called the parallelogram law. Fig-
ure 2.131 shows the sum r of four
vectors u1, u2, ua, n4. In applied
mathematics the sum of two or more
vectors is sometimes called their resultant.
The difference u - v is defined to be the sum of u and -v, so that


Figure 2.14

u - v = u + (-v). The most obvious way to find
u - v is to find -v and add it to U. In substantially
all cases, it is quicker, easier, and more useful to observe
that u - v is the vector which we must add to v to
obtain the sum u. When the tails of u and v coincide,
the vector u - v runs from the head of v to the head of u.
It is worthwhile to look at the italicized statement and
Figure 2.14 until both are thoroughly understood and
remembered. The figure clearly says that

(2.141) u= v+ (U -V).

Since angles between vectors can be sources of confusion and mis-
understanding, we give a little careful attention to the subject. In case
one or the other of two vectors has length 0, there is no reasonable way to
determine an angle that should be called the angle between them, and we
say that the angle is undetermined or undefined. Two sharpened pencils

intersect, we can choose any point 0 in E3 and replace
the vectors by equal vectors having their tails at 0
as in Figure 2.15. Suppose first that these vectors u

of positive length represent vectors in the directions
of their sharpened tips. In case these vectors do not

o- and v have neither the same nor opposite directions.
Figure 2.15 These vectors then determine the plane in which they
lie. The angle 0 is determined by the method used in
trigonometry to introduce radian measure. The first step is to draw, in
the plane of the vectors, a circle of radius a with center atO and to find the
length s of the shorter of the two arcs into which the vectors cut the circle.
The number 0 defined by

(2.151) length of arc
0 =

or angle =
a radius
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