Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

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Doodle, 66
Dot product (see Scalar product)
Double integrals, 667-695
Duhamel difficulty, 420
Dummy variables, 213
Duplication of cube, 536
Dwight tables, 206
Dynamic concept of function, 112

Earth, curvature of, 435
orbit of, 373
radius of, 412-413
Eccentricity of conic, 363-366
Economics problems, 333-334
Eigenvalues of matrix, 96
Eigenvectors of matrix, 96
Elastic demand, 333-334
Elastic rod, 256
Electric current, 171, 181, 455
Electromotive force, 146
Elementary functions, 166, 277
Elimination of parameters, 287
Ellipses, 241, 363, 365, 369-379,
549, 683
Ellipsoids, 248, 403-404, 569
Elliptic disk, area of, 241
Elliptic integrals, 422, 636
Elliptic reflectors, 377
Elliptic type, 390, 396
Empty set, 26
Epicyclic gears, 401
Epicycloids, 400-401
Epsilon-delta assertions, 124, 126,
133-135, 214, 326, 669, 677,
685, 695, 697, 707
Equations, systems of, 90
Equilateral hyperbolas, 367-368
Equipotential surfaces, 567, 569
Eratosthenes, 413
Error(s), rounding, 281
(See also Approximations)

Error functions (see Gauss prob-
ability functions)


Euler, Leonhard, 486, 516
Euler constant -y (gamma), 602,
Euler formulas, 506, 628, 651
Euler gamma integral, 521, 685
Euler integral for z!, 521, 685
Euler line of triangle, 23
Euler _Maclaurin formulas, 640-651
Even function, 118
Evolute of curve, 433
Existence of Riemann integrals,
Exponent(s), laws of, 481, 483
Exponential base e, 38, 126, 281,
expressed as limit, 495, 504--505
irrationality of, 596-597
Exponential function, 38, 481-525
calculation of, 488-489
derivative of, 493
elementary theory, 490-491
graph of, 38
series for, 231, 498-499, 505
table of, end papers
Exponential inequalities, 482
Exponential series, 231, 498, 505
Exponential (or logarithmic) spiral,
532, 544
Extension of partition, 345
Extrema (see Maxima and minima)

Factorial(s), 137, 138-140, 228,
456, 476, 487, 521-524, 607,
Factorial integral, 521, 685
Falling bodies, 42-46, 180-181, 210
Family of planes, 79
Feller, William, 643
Fibonacci sequences, 626-627
Finite, off-beat meanings, 323
Finite mathematics, 319, 344
Finite numbers, 144
Fishing expedition, 632
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