Calculus: Analytic Geometry and Calculus, with Vectors

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62 Vectors and geometry in three dimensions

for the length of the vector P1P2, that is, for the distance between P1 and
P2. This formula will be derived more carefully in the next section. A
sphere is defined to be the set of points P in E3 which lie at a fixed distance
r (called the radius) from a fixed point PO (called the center). It follows
from this definition and the distance formula that the equation

(2.26) (x - xo)2 + (y - yo)2 + (z - zo)2 = r2

is the equation of the sphere with center at Po(xo,yo,ze) and radius r.
A paraboloid should be something resembling a parabola, because the
Greek suffix "oid" means "like" or "resembling." A paraboloid (or
circular paraboloid) is defined to be the set of points P(x,y,z) in E3
equidistant from a fixed point F which is called the focus and a fixed plane
r which is called the directrix and which does not contain the focus. In

Figure 2.27

order to obtain the equation of a paraboloid
in an attractive form, we let 1/2k denote the
distance from F to r so that 1/2k = p and
k = 1/2p, where p is the length of the per-
pendicular from F to r. Then we put the z
axis through F perpendicular to r and put
the origin midway between F and r as in
Figure 2.27. The paraboloid is then the set
of points P(x,y,z) for which IFPI = I DPI,
where D is the projection of P on the plane r
and has coordinates (x, y, -1/4k). The
present situation is very similar to that in
Section 1.4, where the equation of a parabola
was worked out. A point P(x,y,z) lies on the paraboloid if and only if
IFPI2= I DPI1 and hence, as use of the distance formula shows, if and only if


= Cz+-4k J2.

Simplifying this gives the more attractive equation

(2.28) z = k(x2 + y2).

This is the equation of the paraboloid shown in Figure 2.27.

Problems 2.29

(^1) Plot the points 4(1,1,0), B(1,0,1), and C(0,1,1).
(^2) In a new figure, repeat the construction of Problem 1 and insert the
horizontal and vertical line segments running from 11, B, and C to the coordinate
3 In a new figure, repeat all of the construction of Problem 2. Then insert
the point D(1,1,1) and the line segments joining D to 1, to B, and to C. Remark:

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