Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1


The seed of greatness is our ability to know, speak, and keep
our word or our truth. One power is physically to keep our
word by doing what we say we will do. Another power is
emotionally to support the people we care about most. Another
power is to uphold and live in accordance with what we believe
to be right and just. The highest power is to act, feel, and think
from an open heart. When our hearts are open, we are able to
act in accordance with our highest purpose, which is to love.
When we can do what we say we are going to do, we
gradually find the power to manifest our dreams. When we
can express the best of who we are, we gradually create the
good fortune to attract in our lives all the opportunities we
need. When we can act, feel, and think in accordance with what
our soul wants to do, we can manifest greatness in our every-
day lives.
By keeping our soul’s promise, we infuse our lives with
meaning, grace, and purpose. Marriage is the acknowledgment
of that promise, and making sure a marriage works is the ful-
fillment of one of our soul’s highest purposes. By making this
commitment, we harness our inner power to make love last in
our lives.

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