Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1
I’ll bet she is feeling much better now.
I wonder if there is anything else I can do for her.
I think she liked this a lot.

Each of these thoughts is an expression of Philip’s active in-
terest. If he is received as a success, then he will surely feel
more connected and motivated to know her.
While Philip is feeling his active interest in pleasing Marie,
Marie naturally responds with receptive interest. These are
some of her thoughts and feelings:

I would love to have a massage.
Ah, this feels so good.
Umm, I like it when he touches me that way.
Wow, this is so nice.
Oh, don’t stop; that feels so good.
This is really nice; I can just relax.
Hmm, I wonder what he is going to do next.
Oh, that was perfect.
I feel so much better.
I wonder what else he can do so well.

Marie’s thoughts and feelings are all the expression of recept-
ive interest. By remembering how a woman feels and thinks
when she is having a massage, a woman can also connect with
the kind of thoughts and feelings that make her most interest-
ing to a man. It is often a revelation for a woman to discover
that her receptive interest is the greatest

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