Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

  1. I am so very happy we did this.

  2. I really am so happy we did this.

  3. I am very, very happy we did this.

  4. I always feel so happy when we do this.

  5. I had such a really good time.

Another way a woman can indirectly compliment a man is
to appreciate what he has provided. By appreciating the movie,
the play, the singing, the food, the decorations, the service, the
weather, and so on, she indirectly appreciates him, since he
feels he provided it. If he brings flowers, then the way she
compliments the flowers affects him most.
If a dating couple are not yet very close, then the easiest way
for him to experience her receptivity and responsiveness is for
her to acknowledge and appreciate what he has provided. If
she is the right person for him to pursue, this experience gen-
erates in him a greater desire to get close to her.
When a woman appreciates the flowers a man brings, he
ends up feeling more than just complimented. When she says,
“I love these flowers,” he not only ends up feeling complimen-
ted but gets a glimpse of how it might feel to be loved by her.
In this way he has the freedom to get closer or back out.
Let’s look at how she might ripen up the simplest of compli-
ments, “I love these flowers.”

  1. These flowers are so nice; I love them.

  2. These flowers are really nice; I love them.

  3. These flowers are very nice; I love them.

  4. Flowers are always so nice; I love them.

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