Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

14 Men Advertise and Women Share

The complaint most frequently expressed by women
who are dating is that men talk so much about themselves.
Either the man goes on and on talking about what he does,
what he can do, and what he has done, or, after the woman
does get a chance to talk, he’ll quickly respond with what he
thinks she could do, should do, or shouldn’t do. He confidently
assumes that his expertise and competence are impressing her,
while in reality she is being turned off—feeling ignored, left
out, or unimportant to him. As a result, she may mistakenly
conclude, “Another man who thinks only about himself.” As
we explore men in greater depth, we will see why this conclu-
sion is not entirely correct and what women can do to create
a two-way conversation.
When I tell men about this complaint, they are generally
amazed. They say, “If she doesn’t like me to talk about myself,
then why does she ask so many questions? Whenever there is

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