Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

15 Why Men Don’t Call

Quite often a man will ask a woman for her number or
take her out on a date and then not call. The woman then be-
comes perplexed and wonders, What went wrong? Is it some-
thing I said or did? Does he like someone else better? Will I
ever hear from him again? Should I accept other dates? What
if he calls while I’m in the shower? Women become annoyed
when a man doesn’t call. Most men have no idea why it is so
important for a woman to receive that call.

Even when things go really well on a date,
a man may still not call.

There is an explanation. After understanding it, many wo-
men are enormously relieved. It is a great comfort finally to
understand men and correctly interpret some of their behaviors
that at first seem so confusing. With an under-

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