Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

attracted to the right person for you will increase. This practice
is particularly important for people who repeatedly find
themselves attracted to people who disappoint them. Each
time you are able to follow your feelings of attraction and then,
after you get to know the person that person goes away, you
are actually preparing yourself to be attracted to the right one.

  1. Call as a Courtesy and an Expression of Good Manners

Even if you are not sure that you want to pursue the relation-
ship, it is still important to call. Let her know you had a good
time. On her planet it is just good manners. It doesn’t mean
you want to marry her. She will appreciate it, and so will the
next man who pursues her.
Just as men like to be encouraged by knowing that a woman
had a good time, a woman needs to feel reassured that she is
worthy of being loved. By calling and letting her know you
had a good time, it makes her feel good. Each time you go out
of your way to respect a woman’s need, it makes you more
attractive to all women.
Even if you don’t go out on a date, but just ask a woman for
her number, make sure you call. Otherwise you are just another
jerk making it worse for other men. If you ask a woman for
her number, at least give her a call.

When a man asks a woman for her number,
the least he can do is give her a call.

Quite commonly a man doesn’t call back when he is not
planning to pursue a relationship because he figures that calling
a woman to reject her could be construed as presumptuous.
He assumes that it would be insulting in some

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