Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1
“I certainly had not looked at it from that point of view. This
will be very helpful for me in figuring out what to do.
“This is so helpful. I didn’t realize...I think I am closer now
to making a decision.”
“That’s a great point. It really helps me finally to figure out
what to do.”
“That sure makes sense. I’m glad I talked to you. Hearing
different points of view sure helps to clarify things. Thanks.”

  1. Don’t Offer to Help Him in Any Way, but Instead Ask for
    His Help

The more a man succeeds in helping a woman, the more at-
tracted he will be to her. A woman also experiences a greater
attraction to a man when he is helpful to her. She then mis-
takenly turns this around and assumes that if she is helpful to
him, he will be more attracted to her. This is not true.
Certainly a man will appreciate a woman’s help if he has
asked for it, but offering help can easily backfire and make a
man feel mothered and smothered. If a man wants help he will
generally ask for it. When a woman offers to help it can easily
make her appear too eager to win his affections, or it can come
across as an insult.
On Mars, they don’t offer unsolicited help. To offer to help
a man carry a box implies that he doesn’t have the strength to
do it himself. To help a man solve a problem implies that he
doesn’t have the competence to do it himself. Men are very
picky about receiving help because they really

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