Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

The secret to being responsive is to be authentic. If a man
does not truly delight, impress, or please a woman and she
responds with artificial delight, admiration, or fulfillment, he
will know she is faking it and eventually feel manipulated. He
will sense that she is trying to please him by being pleased.

A woman’s responsiveness is most attractive
when it is authentic and not exaggerated.

Certainly she is aware that her pleasure makes him happy,
but she must be careful not to pretend. It is okay to hold back
negative responses in the first three stages of dating. Just as a
man needs to put his best foot forward to impress a woman,
she needs to put forth her most positively responsive self.
It is fine to share negative responses if the man is also sharing
negative responses, but she still should be careful. A man
judges his success in a relationship by the positive responses
that he gets.

It is not so much what a woman does
for a man that makes him happy,
but the way she responds.

When she is not pleased she can simply give a zero response.
The absence of a positive response will be a clear message to
a man that he didn’t succeed. If a movie he takes her to is not
very good, she doesn’t need to share her negative responses,
but she can instead seem unresponsive and change the subject
to something more positive. Each time a woman chooses to
find and express her positive responses to a man’s attempts
to fulfill her, then he feels encouraged to pursue her.

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