Mars and Venus On a Date :

(sharon) #1

When our soul wants to get married, it feels as if we have
no choice. We have to do it if we are to be true to ourselves. It
is this kind of commitment that can sustain a lifetime of love.
It empowers us to make the necessary sacrifices and overcome
the inevitable challenges that come with marriage; it graces us
with the experience of incomparable joy and fulfillment.
Many people mistakenly associate love with the right person
for marriage because it is only when our hearts are open, and
filled with love, that we can truly know someone and know
the truth in our hearts. We can pick the right person only when
our hearts are open, but it is also true that we can know for
sure that a person is wrong only if our hearts are open as well.
With a clearer understanding of this, we are then free to end
relationships without feeling guilty or resentful. Instead of
feeling betrayed because someone loved us and rejected us,
we can instead realize, “Yes, you loved me, but we were not
right for each other. I was not the one for you. I feel disappoin-
ted and hurt, but I can forgive you and wish you well. Now I
can move on to finding the right person for me.” Let’s look at
an example.

When Bill Rejected Susan

When Bill rejected Susan, her attitude was, “We could have
made this work if only you had made a commitment to me, if
you had only gotten help. If you had cared more and tried
harder, we could have made this work. If you had not given
so much of your time to your work and been more supportive
of me, then we could have gotten married and lived happily
ever after. But no. You had to ruin everything and give up. My
life is ruined by this. You were the person

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