Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Chapter 4: Client Connectivity


2012 ➪ Confi guration Tools ➪ SQL Server Confi guration Manager. The Server Confi guration
Manager presents a list of all the available protocols and communication options, as shown
in Figure 4-1.

The SQL Server Confi guration Manager establishes the connectivity protocols used by SQL
Server to communicate with clients.

All TCP/IP communications are performed over a specifi ed port. There are well-known ports
such as HTTP (port 80), FTP (port 21), and SSL (port 443). By default, SQL Server com-
municates over port 1433 when using TCP/IP. If communications are performed through a
fi rewall, this could cause the communication to be blocked. Port 1433 must be opened in a
fi rewall for communications to be possible.

You can also change the port number for instances of SQL Server. In this way, you can map
instances to specifi c TCP/IP ports. When you do this, ensure that there is an opening in the
fi rewall for any ports that you need.

SQL Native Client Connectivity (SNAC)
The SQL Native Client connectivity is managed through the same Server Confi guration
Manager. SNAC installations can initially default the network protocols to enabling Shared
Memory, TCP/IP, and Named Pipes.

SNAC also adds support for large User Defi ned Types (UDT). This enables developers to
create custom types that are any arbitrary size. In addition, SNAC supports table value
parameters. Table-valued parameters are declared by using user-defi ned table types. You

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