Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Part I: Laying the Foundations

Although Management Studio can be confi gured with multiple windows, this is a common
confi guration for doing development work: Object Explorer Details for searches and Query
Editor for script-style coding in the tabbed view, with a little Object Explorer on the side.

Registered Servers

Registered Servers is an optional built-in feature; if you manage only one or a few SQL
Servers, Registered Servers offers little benefi t. If, however, you are responsible for many
SQL Servers, or if you simply want an organized way to manage your registered instances,
this is the right place to take control.

Using Registered Servers, you can maintain connection information for connections to
the Database Engine, Analysis Services, Reporting Services, SQL Server Mobile Edition
Databases, and Integration Services. The toolbar at the top of Registered Services enables
selection among the types of services.

Managing Servers
Servers are easily registered using the context menu and supplying the Properties page
with the server name, authentication, and maybe the connection information. One key

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