Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Part I: Laying the Foundations

The Table Designer
Creating a new table, or modifying the design of an existing table, is easy with the Table
Designer. The Table Designer, as shown in Figure 5-6, is similar to MS Access and other
database design tool interfaces.

Create a new table by selecting the table node in the tree and then selecting New Table
from the context menu. You can alter the design of existing tables by selecting the table,
right-clicking, and selecting Design from the context menu.

Using the Table Designer tool, you can create tables or edit their designs.

You can individually select and edit columns in the top pane. The column properties for the
selected column are listed in the bottom pane. You can open dialog boxes for modifying
foreign keys and indexes using the Table Designer menu or toolbar.

Although you may prefer Query Editor to the GUI tools, the Table Designer page is a clean,
straightforward UI that generates scripts for every modifi cation. Open the Property window
as well, because some table properties are visible only there.

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