Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Part II: Building Databases and Working with Data

Sport-100 Helmet, Red
Sport-100 Helmet, Red
Sport-100 Helmet, Red
Sport-100 Helmet, Red
Sport-100 Helmet, Red

With the DISTINCT predicate:

USE AdventureWorks;
FROM Production.Product p
INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail so
ON p.ProductID = so.ProductID;

Sport-100 Helmet, Red
Sport-100 Helmet, Black
Mountain Bike Socks, M
Mountain Bike Socks, L
Sport-100 Helmet, Blue
AWC Logo Cap
Long-Sleeve Logo Jersey, S

Whereas the fi rst query returned 121,317 rows, the DISTINCT predicate in the second
query eliminated the duplicate rows and returned only 266 unique rows.

SQL Server’s DISTINCT is different from MS Access’ distinctrow, which eliminates duplicates based on data
in the source tables, not duplicates in the result set of the query.

Select DISTINCT functions as though a GROUP BY clause (see Chapter 10) exists on every
output column.

Of course, using DISTINCT is based on the query’s requirements, so there may be no
choice; just be aware that depending on the size and mix of the data, there may be a per-
formance impact.

TOP () ...............................................................................................................

By defi nition, SELECT works with sets of data. Sometimes, however, it’s only the fi rst few
rows from the set that are of interest. For these situations, SQL Server includes several ways
to fi lter the results and fi nd the top rows.

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