Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Part II: Building Databases and Working with Data

of the various data types available in SQL Server. Understanding these different types are
pivotal when it comes to building expressions and using the scalar functions in an effective
and effi cient manner.

Character Data Types
SQL Server supports several character data types, as listed in Table 8-1.

TABLE 8-1 Character Data Types

Data Type Description Size in Bytes
Char(n) Fixed-length character data up to 8,000 char-
acters long using collation character set

Defi ned length * 1 byte

Nchar(n) Unicode fi xed-length character data Defi ned length * 2 bytes
VarChar(n) Variable-length character data up to 8,000
characters long using collation character set

1 byte per character

VarChar(max) Variable-length character data up to 2GB in
length using collation character set

1 byte per character

nVarChar(n) Unicode variable-length character data up to
8,000 characters long using collation character

2 bytes per character

nVarChar(max) Unicode variable-length character data up to
2GB in length using collation character set

2 bytes per character

Text Variable-length character data up to
2,147,483,647 characters in length Warning:

1 byte per character

nText Unicode variable-length character data up to
1,073,741,823 characters in length Warning:

2 bytes per character

Sysname A Microsoft user-defi ned data type used for
table and column names that is the equivalent
of nvarchar(128)

2 bytes per character

Unicode data types are useful for storing multilingual data. The cost, however, is the
doubled size. Some developers use nvarchar for all their character-based columns, whereas
others avoid it at all costs. You should use Unicode data when the database might use for-
eign languages; otherwise, use char, varchar, or text.

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