Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Part II: Building Databases and Working with Data

The syntax of SQL keywords is not case-sensitive. The convention is to use keywords in all uppercase, all lowercase,
camel case, etc. Regardless of the method you choose, that is the method that should be adopted throughout the
entire database. This convention is not required, but it does improve the readability of the query.
Depending on the collation setting of the server or database, database, table, and column names, and even the data
itself, might be case-sensitive.

One thing that should be noted is the use of @, which is part of the variable declaration. Whenever, you
declare a variable that will be used in an expression, stored procedure, or function you must prefi x it
with an @ symbol.

Chapter 9, “Merging Data with Joins, Subqueries, and CTEs,” covers subqueries. Chapter 18, “Building User-Defi ned
Functions,” covers user-defi ned functions.

Although the meaning of many of these expression constants, operators, and expressions is
obvious and common to other programming languages, a few deserve special mention.

The division mathematical operator (/) is a common source of errors when integers are
divided because there is an implicit truncation of values. For instance, 17/9 gives a result
of 1; although, it is almost 2 (which 18/9 would yield). If you are interested in obtaining a
true decimal value, simply modify the query to this, 17/9, and your result will be 1.888888.
Simply adding a decimal to one of the values in the expression tells SQL server to return a
more precise value.

The modulo mathematical operator (%) returns only the remainder of the division. The
floor()and ceiling() mathematical functions, which return the integer rounded down
or up, respectively, are related to it. The floor() function is the SQL Server equivalent of
the BASIC int() function:

SELECT 15%4 AS Modulo,
FLOOR(1.25) AS [Floor], CEILING(1.25) AS [Ceiling];


Modulo Floor Ceiling
----------- ----- -------
3 1 2

The + operator is used for both mathematical expressions and string concatenation. This oper-
ator is different from the Visual Basic symbol for string concatenation, the ampersand (&):

SELECT 123 + 456 AS Addition,

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