Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Chapter 8: Data Types, Expressions, and Scalar Functions


The IS operator may be combined with NOT to test for the presence of a value by restrict-
ing the result set to those rows where MiddleName is not null:

USE AdventureWorks
SELECT FirstName, MiddleName, LastName
FROM Person.Person
MiddleName IS NOT NULL

FirstName MiddleName LastName
---------- ---------- ---------...
Syed E Abbas
Catherine R. Abel
Kim B Abercrombie
Hazem E Abolrous

Handling Nulls
When you supply data to reports, to end users, or to some applications, a null value is less
than welcome. Often a null must be converted to a valid value so that the data may be
understood, or so the expression won’t fail.

Nulls require special handling when used within expressions, and SQL includes a few func-
tions designed specifi cally to handle nulls. ISNULL() and COALESCE() convert nulls to
usable values, and NULLIF() creates a null if the specifi ed condition is met.

Using the COALESCE() Function
COALESCE() is not used as often as it could (some would say should) be, perhaps because
it’s not well known. It’s a cool function. COALESCE() accepts a list of expressions or col-
umns and returns the fi rst non-null value, as follows:

COALESCE(expression, expression, ...)

COALESCE() is derived from the Latin words co + alescre, which mean to unite toward a
common end, to grow together, or to bring opposing sides together for a common good.
The SQL keyword, however, is derived from the alternate meaning of the term: “to arise
from the combination of distinct elements.” In a sense, the COALESCE() function brings
together multiple, differing values of unknown usefulness, and from them emerges a single
valid value.

Functionally, COALESCE() is the same as the following case expression:

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