Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Part I: Laying the Foundations

Setting the compatibility mode of a database attached to a SQL Server 2012 instance to a
lower compatibility level does not mean you can attach or restore this database to an older
version of SQL Server. The capability of setting a database at a lower compatibility level is
provided for backward compatibility as a temporary step to support legacy code.

For example, a database attached to a SQL Server 2012 instance and set in compatibility
mode level 90, enables you to run code compatible with SQL Server 2005, but you cannot
restore this database to a SQL Server 2005 instance. Table 3-4 shows the database compat-
ibility levels and corresponding SQL Server Version.

TABLE 3- 4 SQL Server Database Compatibility Levels

SQL Server Version Database Compatibility Level

SQL Server 6 60
SQL Server 6.5 65
SQL Server 7 70
SQL Server 2000 80
SQL Server 2005 90
SQL Server 2008 100
SQL Server 2008R2 100
SQL Server 2012 110

SQL Server 2012 supports only databases at compatibility levels 90, 100, and 110, meaning
it supports databases going back to SQL Server 2005 only.

To identify the compatibility level of a specifi c SQL Server database, you can query the
master.sys.sysdatabases table as follows:

SELECT cmptlevel
FROM master.sys.sysdatabases
WHERE name='AdventureWorks2012'

All databases attached or restored to a newer version of a SQL Server instance upgrade
automatically to the database version number that the newer SQL Server instance supports.
In the case of SQL Server 2012, all databases created, attached, or restored in a SQL Server
2012 instance convert to database version number 700.

As you see, database compatibility levels are not the same as database version numbers.
Perhaps Paul Randal described it best when he explained it this way: The database version
number is an internal number associated with a specifi c structure of a database’s sys-
tem tables containing metadata about various objects such as tables, columns, indexes,
allocations, and details about the relational and physical structure of the database.

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