Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Part I: Laying the Foundations

Database Engine Confi guration.

  1. Click the Next button. The next screen enables you to opt-in to send Windows and
    SQL Server Error Reports to Microsoft or a corporate report server.

  2. Click the Next button. The Setup Wizard runs the Installation Confi guration Rules
    step to determine if specifi c components are missing or installed that might pre-
    vent the installation process to complete. If there are any problems detected, they
    must fi rst be corrected before the installation process can continue. After the test
    completes, you may see the results by selecting the Show Details button, or a more
    detailed HTML report can be reviewed by selecting the View Detailed Report link
    below the Show Details button.

  3. After reviewing the results, click the Next button. At this point, the Setup Wizard
    has gathered all the necessary information to install the SQL Server 2012 features
    selected. The next screen provides a summary of all confi gurations provided, as
    shown in Figure 3-13.

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