Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Chapter 3: Installing SQL Server


Default versus Named Instances

A SQL Server instance that is not installed as the default instance is a named instance. There can be
only one SQL Server instance installed as the default instance per computer. There can be many SQL
Server instances installed as named instances in a single computer. A default SQL Server instance is
not required. You can have one or more named instances in a computer but no default instance.

Installing SQL Server 2012 Through the Command Line
In addition to installing SQL Server using the Setup Wizard as shown in the fi rst part of
this chapter, SQL Server can also be installed via the command line. Command-line instal-
lations of SQL Server enable you to install, upgrade, or remove SQL Server instances with
little or no user interaction by specifying silent, basic, or full user interface.

Every option available in the graphical user interface using the Setup Wizard can also
be confi gured via command-line parameters. Sixty-eight parameters are available when
running Setup.exe from the command line to confi gure SQL Server features and services.
You can fi nd the complete list of command line parameters at

Table 3-7 lists commonly used parameters for SQL Server Engine Services command-line

TABLE 3-7 Commonly Used SQL Server 2012 Setup Command
Line Parameters

Parameter Description
/Q Optional. Specifi es to run Setup in quiet
mode for unattended installations.
/QS Optional. Specifi es to run Setup and show
progress through the UI. No input is accepted
or errors displayed.
/UIMODE Optional. Specifi es whether to display only
essential dialog boxes during Setup.


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