Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Bible

(Ben Green) #1


Chapter 3: Installing SQL Server


Parameter Description

/SQLUSERDBLOGDIR Optional. Specifi es directory for SQL Server
log fi les (*.ldf).
/SQLTEMPDBDIR Optional. Specifi es directory for SQL Server
tempdb data fi le.
/SQLTEMPDBLOGDIR Optional. Specifi es directory for SQL Server
tempdb log fi le.
/SQLBACKUPDIR Optional. Specifi es directory for SQL Server
backup fi les (*.bak, *.trn).
/SQLCOLLATION Optional. Specifi es collation settings.
/SQLSVCACCOUNT Required. Specifi es the startup account for
the SQL Server service.
/SQLSVCPASSWORD Required. Specifi es the password for the SQL
Server service account.
/SQLSVCSTARTUPTYPE Optional. Specifi es the startup mode of the
SQL Server service.
Supported values: Automatic, Manual, and
/SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS Required. Specifi es accounts to be added to
the sysadmin role.

Only a handful of these command-line parameters are required to complete a SQL Server
2012 installation. Errors may generate for required confi guration options if no value
is specifi ed for the corresponding parameter. For some parameters, default values are
automatically set when a value is not explicitly defi ned. You can use the following script to
install a standalone SQL Server 2012 instance with all Database Services components:

/SQLSVCACCOUNT="<<DomainName\UserName>" /

Command-line installations can also use confi guration fi les to reduce the number of
command-line parameters and standardize SQL Server deployments. Confi guration fi les are
created during the installation process using the SQL Server installation wizard. The path
where the confi guration fi le is specifi ed in the bottom section of the Ready to Install screen
as shown in Figure 3-13, under the “Installing SQL Server 2012 Through the Installation
Center” section.

Use the following script to execute an unattended installation of SQL Server:

Setup.exe /ConfigurationFile="<MyConfigurationFile.INI>"

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