Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Sinica Leidensia, 86)

(avery) #1

452 chapter twelve

∈ in ࣫ҀᏜ㣗໻ᄺЁ᭛㋏Ѩಯ᭛ᄺ力Џࡲ,ljѨಯ᭛ᄺ᡹NJ, 10 October
1998: 1-2 (reprinted in December 1998 issue ofljκᮍ᭛਼࣪ߞNJ[cited by
the author and Yi Sha, without page numbers],lj᭛টNJ1999-1: 20-21 and
entry 102: 540-544)
9 1999-02 | Shao Jian 䚉ᓎ,LJԴࠄᑩ㽕∖䆫ᑆҔМ?Lj[So What Is It You
Want from Poetry?], in entry 12: 403-419
10 1999-02 | Shen Qi ≜༛,LJ辛ৢᇓ䋺 — 1998: Ё೑䆫യ໛ᖬᔩLj[Square
Accounts after the Autumn Harvest—1998: Memorandum on the Chinese
Poetry Scene], inljߎ⠜ᑓ㾦NJ1999-2: 22-26 (reprinted in entry 12:
384-395 andlj䆫᥶㋶NJ1999-1: 18-30)
11 1999-02 | Xu Jiang ᕤ∳LJ⥽ᓘЁ೑䆫℠Lj[Playing Chinese Poetry],
inlj᭛টNJ1999-2: 20-21
12 1999-02 | Yang Ke (ed) 㓪ܟᴼ,lj 1998 Ё೑ᮄ䆫ᑈ䡈NJ[1998 Yearbook
of China’s New Poetry], ᑓᎲ: 㢅ජ
13 1999-02 | Yang Ke ܟᴼ,LJljЁ೑ᮄ䆫ᑈ䡈NJ 98 Ꮉ԰᠟䆄Lj[’98 Work
Notes on the Yearbook of China’s New Poetry], in entry 12: 517-520
14 1999-02 | Yu Jian Ѣമ,LJこ䍞∝䇁ⱘ䆫℠ПܝLj[The Light of Poetry,
Cutting through the Chinese Language], in entry 12: 1-17
15 1999-03 | Xie Youshun 䇶᳝乎,LJ䆫℠ϢҔМⳌ݇Lj[What Does Poetry
Relate to?], inlj䆫᥶㋶NJ1999-1: 1-7 (earlier published in entry 12:
16 1999-03 | Xu Jiang ᕤ∳,LJР⚳Ⰸ⇨䆫യᄤLj[The Noxious Poetry
Scene], inlj᭛টNJ1999-3: 4-8
17 1999-04 | Tang Xiaodu (ed) ૤ᰧ⏵㓪,lj 1998 ᑈ⦄ҷ∝䆫ᑈ䡈NJ[1998
Yearbook of Modern Han Poetry], Ё೑᭛㘨: 379-380
18 1999-04 | Tang Xiaodu ૤ᰧ⏵,LJৢ䆄Lj[Postscript], in entry 17: 1-2
19 1999-04 | Tang Xiaodu et al: Yearbook of Modern Han Poetry Editorial
Committeelj⦄ҷ∝䆫ᑈ䡈NJ㓪ྨӮ,LJᑣLj[Preface], in entry 17
20 1999-04-02 | Xie Youshun 䇶᳝乎,LJݙ೼ⱘ䆫℠ⳳⳌLj[The Inner True
Face of Poetry], inljफᮍ਼᳿NJ, 2 April 1999 (reprinted in entry 102:
21 1999-05-14 | Tian Yong ⬄⍠,LJक޴ᑈ≵ “ᠧҫ”: 䆫Ҏ᝟ϡԣњLj[No
“Wars” for Over Ten Years: The Poets Can’t Hold Themselves Back Any
Longer], inljЁ೑䴦ᑈ᡹NJ, 14 May 1999: B4 (reprinted, citing the author’s
name as Tian Song ⬄䇉, asLJ݇Ѣᮄ䆫থሩᮍ৥জ䍋䆎ѝLj[A Polemic,
Yet Again, on New Poetry’s Course of Development], inljᮄढ᭛
ᨬNJ1999-8: 128)
22 1999-06 | Sun Wenbo ᄭ᭛⊶,LJ៥⧚㾷ⱘ 90 ᑈҷ: ϾҎݭ԰ǃভџঞ݊
ҪLj[The Nineties as I See Them: Individual Writing, Narrativity and
Other Things], inlj䆫᥶㋶NJ1999-2: 26-37, 77 (reprinted in entry 85:
23 1999-06 | Wang Jiaxin ⥟ᆊᮄ,LJⶹ䆚ߚᄤݭ԰ˈ៪᳄ “⤂㒭᮴䰤ⱘᇥ᭄
Ҏ”Lj[Intellectual Writing, or “In Dedication to a Limitless Minority”],
inlj䆫᥶㋶NJ1999-2: 38-52, 85 (reprinted inlj໻ᆊNJ1999-4: 83-89 and
as the introduction to entry 85: 151-165)
24 1999-06 | Xi Du 㽓⏵,LJᇍ޴Ͼ䯂乬ⱘᗱ㗗Lj[Thoughts on Various
Issues], inlj䆫᥶㋶NJ1999-2: 53-67 (reprinted asLJᇍѢമ޴Ͼ䆫ᄺੑ乬
ⱘ䋼⭥Lj[Challenging Some of Yu Jian’s Poetical Propositions], inljቅ
㢅NJ1999-7: 79-85 and asLJݭ԰ⱘᴗ߽Lj[The Right to Write] in entry
85: 22-34)

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