Chinese Poetry in Times of Mind, Mayhem and Money (Sinica Leidensia, 86)

(avery) #1

478 works cited

in Exile], Amsterdam: Prometheus (translated into English, with minor revisions,
as Buruma 2001)
——— 2001: “The Romance of Exile: Real Wounds, Unreal Wounds,” in The New
Republic, 12 February 2001: 33-38 (translation of Buruma 2000, with minor

Cai Yi 㫵↙. 1997:LJ䆫—䴲䆫:lj 0 ḷḜNJ䆘ᵤLj[Poetry—Non-Poetry: Review and
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——— 1999:lj᭛㡎≝ᗱ䲚NJ[Thoughts on Literature and Art], ᯚᯢ: ѥफҎ⇥
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Ϟ⍋: Ϟ⍋Ҏ⇥㕢ᴃ
Che Qianzi. 2003: “Che Qianzi—HOSPITAL ILLUSTRATION 3,” film clip
by Victor Vroegindeweij & Daniëlle van Ark, Poetry International Web → All
Camera Poetica (online, see also p475)
Cheesman, Tom & Gillespie, Marie. 2002: “Talking Diasporas,” in Index on Censorship
31-3: 6-7
Chen Chao 䰜䍙. 1989:ljЁ೑᥶㋶䆫䡈䌣䆡݌NJ[A Critical Anthology of Chinese
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——— 1993:ljҹṺЎ偀: ᮄ⫳ҷोNJ[With a Dream for a Horse: Newborn
Generation Volume], ࣫Ҁ: ࣫ҀᏜ㣗໻ᄺ (in Xie Mian & Tang 1993)
——— 1994:LJ⥟ᆊᮄ䆫Ѡ佪䌣ᵤLj[Appreciations of Two Poems by Wang Jiaxin],
inlj䆫᥶㋶NJ1994-4: 111-118
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Chinese Ex plorative Poetry], ݠѠ݅, ⷇ᆊᑘ: ⊇࣫Ҏ⇥ (revised and expanded
edition of Chen Chao 1989)
——— 2003 (ed).lj᳔ᮄܜ䫟䆫䆎䗝NJ[A Selection of Essays on the Newest Avant-
Garde Poetry], ⷇ᆊᑘ: ⊇࣫ᬭ㚆
——— 2005:LJ䋿УЁⱘ㞾៥࠹༎: 䫟ܜ “⌕㸠䆫” ⱘড᭛࣪ǃড䘧ᖋ䯂乬Lj
[Wretch ed Self-Deprivation: Questions of Anti-Culture and Anti-Morality in
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Chen Dongdong 䰜κκ. 1991:LJϻ༅њ℠ଅ੠ؒ਀: ᚐ⍋ᄤǃ做ϔ見Lj[The Loss
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——— 1995: (䱇ᵅᵅ)LJ儮ࠎ೼儮㙝Ё៤䭋: Ё೟ഄϟ䀽ߞljڒ৥NJྟ᳿Lj[Fish-
bones Growing inside Fish-Flesh: The Chinese Underground Poetry Journal
Tendency, from Beginning to End], inlj᭛㮱ฅNJ(佭␃) 2: 48-50 (reprinted
asLJljڒ৥NJ䀽ߞࡉߞྟ㌖Lj[The Founding of the Poetry Journal Tendency, from
Beginning to End], inljڒ৥NJ10 [1997] : 283-288)
Chen Qufei ଆװຫ. 1995:LJ“᧲ᗾ” ህᰃ “㸯ࠡ”: ໻䱌䀽԰Ѣෙlj 0 ⁨ḜNJ⏅ᑺᡍ
䀩Lj[“Misbehaving” Will Make You “Avant-Garde”: An In-Depth Critique of
the Mainland-Chinese Poem «File 0» by Yu Jian], inlj㟎☷䀽ᅌᄷߞNJ12: 44-59
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Chen Sihe 䰜ᗱ੠. 1997:LJ᮴ৡⱘᯊҷ: бकᑈҷЁ೑ᇣ䇈Lj[The Nameless Era:
Chinese Fiction in the 1990s], in Wan Zhi 1997a: 58-57
Chen Xuguang ܝ䰜ᯁ. 1996:lj䆫ᄺ: ⧚䆎Ϣᡍ䆘NJ[Poetics: Theory and Criticism],
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