Indo-European Poetry and Myth

(Wang) #1

Cho. 449; Hor. Epod. 17. 53 quid obseratis auribus fundis preces?; Virg. Aen. 5.
234, 6. 55.^51
Where we would say ‘for two days’, ‘for three days’, it is typical of Indo-
European narrative to say ‘forn nights and n days’, or ‘forn days and n
nights’.^52 It is remarkable, moreover, how often the number is three; this is a
formulaic period in Indo-Iranian, Celtic, and Slavonic. Thus RV 1. 116. 4


ápas trír áha ̄‘for three nights (and) three days’;MBh. 3. 12. 4 tribhir
ahora ̄traih

, 3. 61. 57 trı ̄n ahora ̄tra ̄n;^53 in Avestan, Yt. 5. 62, 10. 122 θri.ayarəm
θri.xsˇapanəm (at 10. 122 also bi.ayarəm bi.xsˇapanəm); in Greek, Od. 17. 515
τρε4 ... ν3κτα ... τρα δ’@ματα (with other numbers: 9. 74, 10. 142,
Hes. Op. 612); in Armenian, Sassountsy David 130, 136 ‘they fought for three
days and three nights’ (cf., with other numbers, 13, 28, 59, al.); in Old Irish,
Erchoitmed ingine Gulidi 10 trí lá 7 teora aidhchi,^54 cf. Táin (I) 1009, 2112/
2136, 3297, Táin bó Fraích 124, 135 Meid, Aislinge Áenguso pp. 52, 63 Shaw,
etc.; in a Welsh chronicle, Annales Cambriae sub anno 516, tribus diebus et
tribus noctibus; in a Russian bylina, Chadwick (1932), 38 lines 28, 33, 53, etc.;
in Serbo-Croat epic, pa tri dana i tri noc ́i ravne‘for three days and three whole
Another noteworthy idiom relating to time is ‘all days’, meaning ‘day
after day’, often with the connotation of ‘for ever’. So in RV 1. 52. 11, 171. 3
áha ̄ni vís ́va ̄, cf. 3. 54. 22, 5. 41. 4, al.; Y. 43. 2 vı ̄spa ̄ aya ̄rə ̄;Il. 8. 539 (and often)
@ματα πα ́ ντα;Heiðreks gátur 19 (Edd. min. 113, Hervarar saga 10) of alla
The noise and shouting of the Homeric battle is described as reaching up to
heaven: Il. 12. 338 α, ϋτ^ δ’ ο1ραν:ν <κεν, cf. 14. 60; 13. 837 (χ^ δ’
α, μφοτρων κετ’α!θρα κα? ∆ι: α1γα ́ ; so of Ajax by himself, 15. 686
φων^ δ οT α!θρ’ κανεν. Similarly in the Indian epics: MBh. 5. 197. 8
divam iva ̄spr

s ́at, the noise ‘touched the sky as it were’, cf. 6. 52. 22; 8. 7. 6;
‘rose up to highest heaven’,Rm. 2. 83. 15. In Irish saga too cries are ‘heard
even to the clouds of heaven’, and it is the same in Serbo-Croat epic: ljuto
pisnu, do neba se c ́uje, ‘she screamed in anger, and her cry reached the
heavens’;ode huka ispod oblakova, ‘the sound rose to the clouds’.^57

(^51) L. Kurke, JIES 17 (1989), 113–25.
(^52) So too in Hebrew, cf. West (1997), 241.
(^53) Ahora ̄tra- is a compound meaning ‘day + night’.
(^54) Ed. Kuno Meyer, Hibernica Minora (Oxford 1894), 67.
(^55) Salih Ugljanin, SCHS ii, no. 10. 30, cf. no. 13. 287. As I shall cite Salih elsewhere, it may be
noted here that he was originally trained as a singer in the Albanian tradition; he only learned
Serbo-Croat at the age of 30.
(^56) There is a similar expression in Hebrew: kol-hayya ̄mîm, ‘all the days’.
(^57) Aided Con Chulainn (version 2) 20 p. 88. 28 van Hamel; Salih Ugljanin, Song of Baghdad
(SCHS ii, no. 1) 1239; ibid. no. 18. 347.

  1. Phrase and Figure 91

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